In 1994, Litto and Ines Gomez began making cigars in a modest factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. Their first efforts, branded Los Libertadores, were mild, easygoing smokes. Nowadays, selling cigars under the name La Flor Dominicana, they have built a reputation for making some of the most powerful cigars on the planet. To commemorate 30 years in the business, the husband-and-wife team are coming out with the limited-edition LFD 30 Years commemorative cigar, packed in special humidors.
The smoke is made in La Flor’s most memorable shape, the Chisel, a wedge-shaped figurado. The cigar is box pressed, measures 6 1/2 inches long by 58 ring gauge, and is made from a blend that’s unlike many others from the company. The wrapper is a dark leaf from Ecuador grown from Sumatra seed, the binder is an aged leaf from the Dominican town of Cotui and the filler blend is from La Flor’s tobacco farm in La Canela, Dominican Republic. The company describes the cigar as “rich and decadent, with a depth of dark flavors, spice, and body.” Knowing La Flor, it’s sure to pack a punch. - Cigar Aficionado